Bush is gone!
Why no US or UK Flags on this Website again?

Almost six years ago, on March 20th, 2003, Bush and Blair started their war of aggression against Iraq on fraudulently falsified grounds.  On the same day, I banned the American and British flags from this website and replaced them with the Canadian flag to symbolize the English language. Bush und Blair are finally gone. The new US president Barack Hussein Obama II was inaugurated today, January 20th, 2009.

Why then no return to the US and British flags? Simple:

Once highly regarded America  - The Shining City Upon A Hill - is no more! At the latest since the start of the Iraq War we ask ourselves whether the reverence for America was ever justified. Consider this, the warmongers Bush and Blair were re-elected even after their heinous machinations to start the illegal Iraq War were known worldwide at the time of their re-elections, and their crimes cried to High Heaven already.

A few moments ago, President Obama was inaugurated. Noncritical anticipatory admiration for anybody is not my custom, but I wish the president a successful tenure for his country and the world.

Everybody is still welcome to contact me about my family research regardless of his (her) opinion on the origins and the conduct of the ongoing war in Iraq.

But my opinion about the war ought to be taken note of!

Gerd Hillebrecht,  January 20th, 2009
